Keep your CRM accurate with enrichment

Enrich contacts and accounts in Salesforce with accurate demographic and firmographic data.

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4.3/5 G2 rankings
#1 in Sales Intelligence for best results

Loved by pipeline generating teams at leading tech companies

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Match rate on personal emails from free trials
More inbound leads routed within minutes
In incremental pipeline generated
Better data

Eliminate stale and inaccurate data from your CRM

CRM databases naturally degrade up to 30% every year. According to the CDP institute, data decay accelerated during and after the pandemic. CRM data quality has been reported as one of the key challenges for effective prospecting and pipeline generation.

Get more pipeline and ROI in six months or less.

Salesforce enrichment

Automatically enrich new contacts and accounts in Salesforce

Enrich your contacts, leads, and accounts in Salesforce instantly or on demand. Create custom workflows to schedule enrichment based on the importance of the lead

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Data attributes

Get a more complete data picture of your contacts and accounts

Capture, update, and add contacts to customized lists within the LeadIQ app — all in a single click. Revisit and manage your lists anytime in LeadIQ’s web app, right alongside the latest contact data.


Faster lead routing with LeadIQ enrichment

LeadIQ helps Rockset correctly route 54% more inbound leads for faster speed to lead.

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54% more inbound leads routed

“When companies grow in size, that’s a net new MQL that now gets routed without us having to do any work. So having accurate and up-to-date data in Salesforce is vital. We couldn’t do that before.”

Jake Lewis
Director of Sales Operations